For those of you who enjoyed book 1 in the Dark Duke Series: A Lady’s Duke, it should be clear I’m a fan of a complicated plot, and I have no reservations to use every romance trope in the book–and for good reason! The old, old (okay, yes) ancient advice to “write what you know” is exactly how this series started.
I wanted to take the plot in a different direction–something with a gratifying climactic villain scene that so many HR novels lack–but I didn’t want readers to miss out on those wonderful experiences that connect with our hero and heroine. The first half of A Lady’s Duke is filled with tropes: woman like no other, the rake that must be tamed, the waltz, the perfect dress, she doesn’t know she’s beautiful. I know, I know . . . A bit heavy handed, but it was my debut. Plus, by the time the plot takes that twist, you have a firm grasp of who Hamish and Charlotte are and what they stand to lose.
Obviously, I’m a fan of the slow burn and witty banter. What you may not know is that I also love cop shows. Bones, Castle, Psych, Elementary, Mentalist: if there is a hint of romance and a mystery, I am there! The old saying to write what you know may be outdated, but writing what inspires and delights I hope never gets old.
A Lady’s Duke is only the beginning of the story. More plots and mysteries to come. Look for book 2, coming this April.
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